We are Killing Our Heroes

superman-doomsday-color-211933A new game has been released: Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League. The Justice League, the heroes, have been compromised by a mind-controlling alien known as Brainiac. So, you play as the Suicide Squad. A team of villains who have been sent out to save the world and to kill the Justice League. One by one, Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern are fought and killed. Continue reading

Beware of Evil

This is a scene from Amazon’s recent Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power series. In this scene Adar, a corrupted elf, shows mercy to an injured orc. He caresses the orc’s face, and even tears up when he puts the orc out of its misery. This scene is designed for us, the audience, to have sympathy for an orc–to have sympathy for evil.

Yes, in some other fantasy franchises, such as World of Warcraft, orcs are not inherently evil, and can choose to either be evil or good. However, this is not the case in Tolkien’s world. In Middle Earth, there is no such thing as a good orc, for they are evil creatures. Continue reading

Our Amazing Creator: Part V

Our God, is an amazing Creator.

He created the butterfly:

Most of us have known of the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly since grade school, but have you really taken the time to sit back and to be amazed by what it takes to create such a beautiful creation? In order for a caterpillar to transform into a butterfly, it must secure itself within a chrysalis, and it’s within the chrysalis where the truly amazing part takes place: Continue reading

Remembering Stan Lee

Thank you to a man who has inspired me, who has changed the world, and who has changed the universe of comics forever. You will be missed.

Stan Lee Quotes:

“You know, my motto is ‘Excelsior.’ That’s an old word that means ‘upward and onward to greater glory.’ It’s on the seal of the state of New York. Keep moving forward, and if it’s time to go, it’s time. Nothing lasts forever.” Continue reading

Heroes: Batman~Beware the Darkness

Batman is one of DC’s most popular characters. And if there’s any doubt, just take a peek in the DC section of any store that sells comics. On average, at least half of their content contains Batman materials, with Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and the other characters of DC combined filling the other half of the shelves. Yet, though Batman is perhaps the bread and butter of DC, he’s also one of the darkest. Therefore, why does Batman have such a following?

For some, they admire Batman, because he is just as human as they are, yet he is able to stand his own against foes that cause even Superman strife. Additionally, his cleverness, quick wit, and detective skills have made him a beneficial asset to the League in their mission to provide justice to all. However, there are also many who admire the Dark Knight, because he is more risqué than the other heroes. Continue reading

Our Amazing Creator: Part IV

Our God, is an amazing Creator.

He created the okapi:

Have you ever wondered what would happen, if a giraffe and a zebra had a baby? If you have, that’s weird, but it would probably look like an okapi. Though they do have a zebra behind, the okapi is one of the two living members of the family Giraffidae. And like their giraffe cousins, okapis have extremely long tounges, measuring between 14–18 inches long, which they can use to lick their own ears and even wash their eyelids. These superheroes can also communicate in the dense forest with infrasonic calls, which cannot be picked up by human ears, and they have stinky feet, since they have scent glands on each foot that secrets a tar-like substance to mark their territory. Continue reading

Heroes: The Wonder Twins~Underrated

If you’re not a big comic reader or a superhero fan, you may not be familiar with the Wonder Twins. Within the world of DC, they are an extraterrestrial duo who have the ability to transform whenever they come into physical contact and shout, “Wonder Twin powers activate!” Jayna can transform into the shape of any animal (real, mythical, or alien), and Zan can change into the form of anything . . . water. I’m not joking. He often has to be carried in a bucket, but he can also transform into an ice monster. Oh, and they also have a blue space monkey named Gleek.

Like Harley Quinn, the twins did not originate in the pages of the comics, but were first created by the animators of The Flinstones, Yogi Bear, Scooby Doo, and many, many others–Hanna-Barbera. The twins were first featured in their cartoons, before eventually being adopted into the DC universe.

Though the twins taught some good morals, and saved many young people in their shows, there’s a reason why they’re not as popular now. And that is, compared to other heroes, such as Superman or Batman, they’re pretty lame. They can still be spotted here and there, such as in an episode of Teen Titans Go!I, but unless they get a major upgrade, they probably won’t become as mainstream as the League, or shake off their reputation of being a joke. Continue reading

Heroes: Black Panther~The King of kings

Black-Panther-Poster-CroppedLast weekend, I got to see Black Panther with a group of friends–and it was well worth the wait! The story was solid, the sites were stunning, and the action was awesome! I also enjoyed how there was representation with many women and black characters; however, they represented without making the white men look dumb–Agent Ross still had a very important part to play at the end. Nevertheless, my biggest complaint, is that there were no elephants. I mean, we were in Africa, and I didn’t see a glimpse of my favorite animal, which makes this movie a nine out of ten in my book. (The sandy elephant you see in the intro story doesn’t, doesn’t count–it’s not a real elephant.)

Like I said, it was another good movie produced by Marvel. Other than the popcorn and getting to share this experience with a group of good friends, my favorite part of the movie, was the wisdom that King T’Chaka shared with his son, “You are a good man, with a good heart. And it’s hard for a good man to be a king.” Continue reading