Is Jesus Enough?

lightstock_115919_medium_ann_-1078x516The other day, I was reading C. S. Lewis’ sermon, “The Weight of Glory,” during my lunch break. Lewis makes the case how mankind has a desire for heavenly glory, yet samely, we are tied down by worldliness. Reading this sermon, I came across this line: “Can anything be added to the conception of being with Christ?” Or let me phrase it this way, if there were no mansions, no crowns, no streets of gold, if Jesus was your only reward for being a faithful Christian, would he be enough? Continue reading

O Leviathan

moby-dick-1-jerry-lofaroI’m in the midst of reading Moby Dick. You heard me right–Moby Dick. A book that is notorious for being long and boring, that is, for someone with no interest in learning about whaling. Yet, I’m over 60 chapters in, and quite enjoying it.

The book is rich with detail, has a powerful sermon on Jonah, and has even made me laugh out loud, such as the chapter of Ishmael dreading on sharing a bed with a mysterious stranger. The sailor spends the whole chapter brainstorming ideas on how to not suffer such a fate. Yet, not only does he share a bed with the stranger, but with a stranger who is shrunken head selling cannibal!

Ironically, not only does Ishmael end up befriending this cannibal, but he also describes him hilariously: “It may seem ridiculous, but [his head] reminded me of General Washington’s head, as seen in the popular busts of him. It had the same long regularly graded retreating slope from above the brows, which were likewise very projecting, like two long promontories thickly wooded on top. Queequeg was George Washington cannibalistically developed.” Continue reading