Worship is NOT About You

iStock-1177316942Sunday Morning:

“Wow! That worship service was really amazing! It really moved me!”

“I couldn’t worship today. I just couldn’t connect with any of the songs.”

“Dang! The worship leader was really off key, today. He was really distracting.” 

“We can’t worship here anymore. It’s too secular. They don’t sing any of the old hymns.”

I’ve heard many variations of these conversations during Sunday afternoons, and it breaks my heart. In the Christian circle, worship can be a hot topic: Hymns vs Contemporary worship, Instruments vs Acapella, Slow vs Fast pace–but should it? I mean, worship is supposed to bring God’s people together. It’s supposed to be a time dedicated to creating a sweet harmony and offering it up to our Creator. A time of community and fellowship. So then, why is something that’s designed to bring us together, creating so much division? Continue reading